Hand Hygiene
Auditing System

A system for NHS staff to digitally conduct, record and analyse essential compliance initiatives, removing the need for time-consuming paper-based processes. I worked single-handedly to conceptualise, design, and engineer a system that can support this for an NHS tender submission.

What I did

Auditing current internal systems, user research, system integration, automation, prototyping & UI design, collateral design


  • Streamlining and digitisation of a manual process
  • Creation of a system ready for tender
  • Ability to create analytics to drive improvement and compliance


To support the submission of hand hygiene products into the NHS, GAMA Healthcare was also required to submit a hand hygiene auditing system. This would allow both internal staff, and NHS staff, to monitor hand hygiene practices throughout hospitals and be able to record and analyse the results. 

I was tasked to create a system to do this, without a developer and utilising systems or programmes we already had. Essentially, create something that could work if tested but mainly as a template if the tender was successful and the system needed to be created properly.

Hand Hygiene audits are common practice throughout the NHS, however, this is regularly done on paper, then manually typed up to then be put into a spreadsheet that can then be analysed. 

I was able to interview the Clinical staff within GAMA, who had previously worked within the NHS, to get a better understanding of how auditing worked and what the main pain points were. I also had a couple of word docs used in different hospitals for reference, as well as the WHO Observation Form, and set about trying to create a simpler, more automated audit.

Hand hygiene audit sketch



At the time, GAMA's contact forms on their website were embedded Jotforms and after looking into a few different options, like digital PDFs with some added javascript (that got canned quickly), I came to the conclusion that Jotform would have to work for me too. The tender specified that the audit had to be completed digitally as well as the reports being stored and shared digitally, which Jotform was able to do.

I was able to add a small amount of logic to my audit, hiding some sections when others were selected and calculating compliance percentage at the end based on the selected results. 

The aim for this was to keep the process quick and simple, only supplying the answers staff needed to see, and removing the burden of doing the percentage calculations manually. The logic also made sure all the correct parameters had to be completed before a hand hygiene moment was successful, ensuring accurate results.

With these bits in place, customers would now be able to access and conduct a digital version of their hand hygiene audit, which would then collate their results and provide a downloadable PDF report at the end. It would also automatically be sent in an email to the address assigned at the beginning of the audit. 

The final requirement for the auditing system was to be able to generate actionable reports, based on a larger Organisation-wide audit, that would be conducted by GAMA. Staff would be able to do this through the website and Jotform, and use the collated data to provide an annual hand hygiene audit report.



During the UV-C Disinfection Robot's infancy, I had started to work on an admin system to help organise users, metadata tags and location data. This would then be able to house and share Violet's data as well as other online apps, such as the Hand Hygiene auditing system.

I had already worked on the sitemap and low res wireframes, but I needed to work these up to hi-res. These could then be passed on to our developers so they could build a quick example page to hold the embedding Jotform.

GAMA Admin System sketch

Feel free to check me out on my socials or drop me a message

Natasha Sykes © 2022

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